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add a paragraph or sentence about the colony's culture and their traditions.

will i ever do this? not even god knows


blah blah words, maybe add a picture at the side or something idk that's future me's problem


Naming Ceremony


Contrary to other clans and groups the colony has come across, their names aren't bound by a specific rule -- meaning, their names are able to be single words, or more complicated in length and pronunciation. When an outsider joins the colony, they are free to keep their name, but if they so choose, they can request a new one from the Commander. If they choose to go by a new name, their is no set ceremony the colony abides by. Rather, the Commander will call all members to the centre of camp, casually announce the new chosen name, and afterwards there might be a celebration. It's not rigid by any means -- the colony is quire easy-going, and every and any tradition is hosted more like a casual get-together than a ceremony.

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