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Mountainous Landscape


5/7 CATS

You can have: 7 cats total (2 high ranks)

  • Write or draw a scene about your clan's camp

  • Describe your leader and deputy's relationship [100+ words]

  • Describe your clan's reputation


Stoneclan is an independent clan, hidden away in the thick of the mountains. Stoneclan prefers to stay as separate as they can from other clans, and rarely interact outside of gatherings and emergencies. A lot of the older members of the clan like to keep details about their clan and camp life unknown from the other clans, which is the source of many disputes both in the clan and out. Due to this, some are trying to widen Stoneclan's social allies and trustworthiness by having friends in other clans.


Since Stoneclan's first leader was wary and hesitant, the older members are very cautious about who is brought into camp, and will likely turn cats away unless they are in dire need, much to the distaste of other clan members.





Map 2.jpg

Stoneclan's territory is primarily made up of rocky mountainous area, with their camp hidden away in the thick of the mountains. Although Stoneclan cats prefer these rocky areas, they will venture to the neighbouring pine forest to hunt when prey in the mountains is scarce. Their territory is bordered by what they call the "Dividing River", as it divides their territory with Ashclan's. The Dividing River also surrounds the Gathering Place, which is neutral ground -- no clan can claim it as their own and hunting there is strictly prohibited, unless in the case of a famine, in which every neighbouring clan must agree to allow hunting.


North of the Gathering Place sits the Dead Lands, which although carries little prey and protection, offers a good training ground. This land is often the source of dispute between Stoneclan and Ashclan, because although it sits on Ashclan's side of the Dividing River, Stoneclan's ancestors initially claimed it. 

The Ruins, which are located southwest of the Dividing River and Flat Grounds, are where the Medicine Cats of each clan go to gather once a moon. Stoneclan's Medicine Cat must pass through Stormclan territory in order to reach them. 


Stoneclan's territory holds a variety of prey since it provides both mountainous and forested areas. In the mountains, the Stoneclan cats will typically prey on birds, squirrels, and occasionally rabbits, though these become fairly limited in the cold season. In the forests, prey is far more abundant, with birds, mice, squirrels and voles being the main source of food for Stoneclan cats. Although they are located near a river, Stoneclan cats will never attempt to catch fish; they lack the ability and mindset.





Stoneclan cats have a widely accepted reputation for being defensive and rather secretive. Stoneclan is known to value defense over offense, hence their location in the mountains, but many see them as overly so. They prefer to live seperate from other clans, only interacting and sharing information when absolutely necessary. Many aspects of their lives are unknown, as they prefer to keep information about themselves as hidden as possible, and this has earned them quite the wary opinion. Stoneclan is also extremely hesitant to allow any rogues or clan cats to set foot near or in their camp, which to many has been seen as cold and uncaring.





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